Happy April! Here, a few things on my radar for the month.
To Snag. Starting tomorrow YellowKorner is selling a limited edition print run of photographs of Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg shot by Bert Stern for Vogue in 1970…some signed by Jane. I don’t imagine they will last long. I read this on the Vogue Paris site and do not know where YellowKorner is located; you might want to check it out tonight if you’re going to be disappointed if you lose out.
To See. Cy Twombly at the Gagosian. If you are in New York do not miss this. It is a major retrospective of Cy’s work in two galleries, downtown (which I went to and will go back) and uptown. The colors took my breath away. Sadly you can’t take photos, but a book is always good.
Also this month it’s the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden. It really doesn’t feel like Spring here yet, so at least you can go in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory and feel like you’ve landed in the tropics for a bit.
To listen. I am going to buy the album (in vinyl form) of jazz group the Sons of Kremet’s newest Your Queen is a Reptile. To listen to on upcoming rainy April days. Jazz pairs nicely with moody weather.
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