Looking for something to do if you have today off? These three exhibitions top my to do list.
James Turrell Meeting room at PS1 Moma. (above) The tickets for sunset viewing for October sold out immediately, but you can still go sit in the room, one of Turrell’s Skyspaces and watch the interplay of colors in the room as both they and the sky change. One my favorite (and my older daughter’s) art experiences ever is the Turrell Breathing Light room at LACMA in LA. If you haven’t been there, put that on your list, too.
Agnes Martin at Guggenheim. I have an affinity for minimalist artists and anything and anyone from New Mexico (I got married in Santa Fe), so this extensive exhibit of Martin’s work is a must see.
Kiku: The Art of the Japanese Garden at the New York Botanical Gardens. I am not a huge plant enthusiast (I can’t even name the trees in my yard), but I have been to this annual exhibit before at the NYBG and it is breathtaking. Kiku is Japanese for chrysanthemum, and the ones here are so extraordinary you can’t believe that flowers like these actually exist. Proof that Mother Nature, with a little human coaxing, can create some gorgeous moments.
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