These days, handbags rarely excite me, because if I’m going to invest in one, I want a bag that I will still want to wear years from now. Enter, the pouch bag from Bottega Veneta. Under the new creative director Daniel Lee, who worked for years at Celine, Bottega is becoming a go-to for those of us who love modern design. The clutch is a revamp of the Lauren bag, designed for Lauren Hutton originally in 1980 for her character in the movie American Gigolo. The larger size pouch, which every serious fashion influencer seems to have been gifted, is quite chic, but you have to comfortable running around and not being hands-free, per se. There are smaller versions in both the Bottega’s classic intrecciato weave and the soft butter leather that come with a thin cross-body strap (and at half the price of the larger ones). The smaller version is easily manageable, while the scale of the larger one is quite fantastic….so, it’s really up to what you prefer.
This bag is selling out quickly but you can still pre-order a few styles on Bergdorf’s site. (You can find them here, here, here, and here. Matches has the large burgundy coming soon. ) Because they were a Spring/Summer launch, there might be more available as fall approaches, which I will update you on, in case you’re still not convinced or are hopefully vacationing somewhere now and can’t be bothered.
Mamavalveeta03 says
What a gorgeously simple bag!
Mary says
Really beautiful! The red caught my eye immediately.