No one needs a lot of bags, just the right ones. If you’ve read this site, you know I do not like the idea of accumulating new handbags each season, but believe that once you have a good core group, you rarely need to add. I cannot justify spending thousands of dollars on something you tire of. This new resort bag from The Row is my exception. I have downsized the amount of “stuff” I lug around and often can fit everything into to a bag that is quite small–even smaller than this one. But I love the soft shape of this bag, that you wrap it around your wrist or add the detachable strap and wear it as a cross-body, making it super versatile. Plus at $1350, it isn’t exactly a steal, but it is not over-the-top expensive. Personally I like the burgundy and eggshell colors–both neutral alternatives to basic black. Available for pre-order at Bergdorfs and Barneys.

So chic! Am really into this new bucket shape of bags. It’s a great one! And your Flair Finds are so beautiful!!!
YES! I’ve been waiting for the right bag for a couple of years. This looks terrific. I just ordered the burgundy one.
I’ve been wondering what your core group of bags are? I love the idea of minimizing. Thanks so much.