If you have followed my site, you know what a fan I am of CAP Beauty, the organic beauty and wellness boutique and spa that has places in NYC and LA, founded by Kerrilynn Pamer and Cindy DiPrima. This coming Monday you can curl up on your couch and take advantage of all the expertise they have accumulated with their new, first book, High Vibrational Beauty. Kerrilynn and Cindy believe in radical self care, which I cannot define (you will have to read the book), but I do know they have spent the last couple of years seeking out what is best to put on and in your body to attain your optimal, natural health and beauty. The book is full of rituals, recipes and routines that can help achieve this goal and considering the scope of natural beauty + wellness products they both carry and create, plus the never-ending roster of professionals and experts that guest speak at their stores, the research behind this book is solid.
Since I began this site, I have changed my beauty routine to all natural products and I am more than happy with the benefits and results I see from these changes. My routines and what goes in my body could use a boost. I will never be hard-core healthy, cheeseburgers and wine get in the way, but I could do better. I can’t wait to figure out what changes I can make that will create more positive results. It goes back to what I was taught when I trained for years to be a classical dancer, “Your body is your instrument.” You have to take care of it. Always.
Maryam says
So excited by the sounds of this beautiful book. I am with you, Jennifer. I can and should do better. Maybe this book can help.