My younger daughter, who is quite adept at makeup application and does mine on occasion, learned everything she knows from YouTube. I have no time or interest in searching for good makeup videos. Plus I’m a makeup minimalist; I use relatively few products and spend very little time in the morning putting makeup on. So when I found this under three minute video/master class by Kirsten Kjaer Weis on how to get a summer glow, that uses only 5 makeup products (plus a few brushes) I thought ‘This is something I can do.’ Kirsten’s makeup is not only organic, the containers are refillable (refills are less expensive). Chic + sustainable–what’s not to love? Her Endless Sun products below.
Lustrous Bronzer, $56; Ravishing Highlighter, $56; Grace Eye Shadow, $45; Affection Lipstick, $56; Mascara, $38.
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