Welcome to the first of series of Notes from Home posts where I ask women some light-hearted and some serious questions about how they are getting through quarantine. I hope they will offer you a moment of escape and inspiration. To kick it off, I thought I would answer the 20 questions myself. Here goes….
What are you wearing often? Vintage Levis, t-shirts, shoes (if I must) and jewelry—even my diamond cocktail ring during the day, because it makes me feel a bit better. (Above are silk pajamas from Fleur of England.)
What are you wearing too often? Sweats and my husband’s Patagonia jackets to walk to dog instead of something more stylish.
Your go-to video conference outfit: Doesn’t apply to me so much, but my family is trying a weekly quarantini time, so earrings and a button-down with Swarovski rhinestone buttons from A Shirt Story are my dress up.
Favorite place at home to sit and work: My desk, which is where I usually work anyway. I light my Le Labo Palo Santo 14 candle and try get something done on the computer. I am successful 50% of the time.
Latest read: In the middle of Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous, and am quickly becoming a fan of his writing. I tried reading uplifting self-help style books, and I can’t right now. I want escape. Also just listened to Cheryl Strayed new NY Times Podcast Sugar Calling, which might become a new favorite.
Online rabbit hole: Besides the NY Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, WSJ.com, NYMag and the New Yorker—who has time?
New Insta discovery: Not new, but I currently look a lot at British food writer Nigel Slater, home stylist Colin King and and mid-century design gallery Galerie Provenance. Can you tell I am a little home obsessed?!
Daily ritual you practice: Coffee, then coffee, followed by a run along the West Side Highway and a dog walk—always practicing social distancing.
Daily ritual you’ve abandoned: Getting anything done and writing in my daily calendar.
New skill you’ve mastered: It’s supposed to be making sourdough bread, but…..
Old skill you’ve put back in use: Dyeing my roots (I started dyeing my hair in high school), with the guidance of my long-time trusted colorist Marris Ambrose from Julien Farel Salon, who suggested Madison Reed products and helped with color options. I didn’t leave it on long enough, but the color match was good. Thank you thank you Marris!
Favorite new recipe: This one dish recipe for chicken with shallots by Sam Sifton from NY Times (recipe below). Fail-proof and really good like a perfect French chicken dish. Best with a baguette.
Mood booster: The new ping pong table top that just arrived we are putting on top of our dining room table. My daughter has mastered backspin. I have a long way to go.
Favorite hour of the day and why: Aperitivo time! In honor of Italy and my dream to be somewhere along the Amalfi coast, my husband has mastered a pretty decent Negroni, which I have far too often.
Favorite COVID-related cause: The Bowery Mission, and chef Jose Andres World Central Kitchen.
Something you love to do that you can share with others: I think that has been my closet clean out videos for the Wardrobe Project on my IG TV.
How are you looking at your business differently? What I posted on the other day—covering stories that follow style, substance and sustainability.
What do you miss most? Where to begin?! But the energy and inspiration I get from being in NYC and just walking around. At the same time, nature, because I am stuck in the city.
Where will you go on your first post-pandemic trip? California to see my almost 4 month old nephew and if my mother and stepfather can’t make it, to see them in South Carolina too. I was looking forward to Copenhagen in May, but that will have to wait.
What do you hope the new normal brings? In general, more thoughtfulness, more kindness, more cooperation. And for fashion to finally wake up and get real; many in the industry have been reluctant to make the changes necessary to be modern (clothes delivered when it’s time to wear them/creating designs, not costumes, women actually want to wear), they’ve been wasteful (multi-million dollar fashion shows held in exotic locales) and pushing over consumption. Fantasy is good, ignorance of what’s important and not being grounded is not.
Maryam Montague says
This is so fun!! Perhaps a little more caftan wearing on my end!
KSL says
What a wonderful series, so perfect for now. I’m sure you read Giorgio Armani’s statement about his intentions moving forward, which I loved. Thanks for always keeping it real here.
Meredith says
LOVE Nigel Slater! His Real Fast Food is a great cookbook.
Heidi Wynne says
This was such a nice start to the day- thank you! I look forward to more of these interviews (and starting the Wardrobe Project now that I have plenty of time!).
xo, Heidi
Mary says
Really looking forward to this series! I’m dying to get my hands on some vintage Levi’s but it looks like I’m not the only one – can’t find any.
And yes, safe to say you’ve helped many of us with your “Closet Clean Out” videos!
Kim Dunham says
Try “jeansloveshop” on Etsy. There’s a no return policy but her description and sizing are spot on.
Mary Beth Taylor says
One of your best posts-with you on the DIY hair color, trying new recipes, and some newer podcasts. Speaking of activities-love ping pong-can you share which table you purchased? Limited for space here in our downsized home. Thank you-
Bonnie Pressman says
I love you daily posts, whether here or on instagram since our local Governor’s have imposed Thankfully..hope to see you soon :))
Dana D says
Ocean Vuong…oh my, that book…
I see some books on that shelf that are fine. Have you read Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot? If you are loving On Earth…, you will love that one.
ps…how much up did you size on your new grey jogger pants?
Jax says
Love your workspace and nice light from the windows. Miss that NY light.