When I launched this site seven months ago, I wanted to create a platform for and about women. My goal was to interview one entrepreneurial woman a week, which many said was an overreaching goal, but I’m pretty close. To date, I’ve had to opportunity to speak with and share the stories of 28 outstanding female entrepreneurs in various fields—from disruptive venture capitalists, to beauty pioneers, to outspoken artists, and inspiring designers. These women motivate me, challenge me to look at ideas from a different angle, try the new and the unknown, and leave me feeling curious and encouraged to continue. (I have some exciting interviews coming up so stay tuned.)
Have you had a chance to meet them all? If not, think of this as a cheat sheet. I hope you find inspiration and something to take away from their stories too. (There are links to each profile below.) And most of all, a big thank you to all the women above and below who said yes to my interview requests—without you TFI wouldn’t exist!
Mary Wiles, the British makeup artist Naomi Watts keeps on speed dial.
Jodi Sweetbaum, President of Lloyd & Co, fashion’s favorite ad agency.
Suze Yalof Schwartz, Founder of L.A.’s popular Unplug Meditation.
Cathryn Collins, Designer/Founder the ultimate cashmere line IPEZZI DIPINTI.
Nikki Kule, Designer/Founder of all things striped, Kule.
Liz Lange and Audrey Kirdar, Maternity-wear queen and behind-the-scenes deal maker, now Co-Founders of V.C. company Navy Lane Capital.
Ashley Wick, Founder forward-thinking Wick & Co. Public Relations.
Robin Renzi, Founder/Designer boho gorgeous Me & Ro jewelry.
Stephanie Von Watzdorf, Founder/Designer of global gypsy clothing company Figue.
Joanne Wilson, bad-ass Angel Investor, co-founder Women’s Entrepreneur Festival.
Kendall Conrad, Founder/Designer classic California-based accessories line Kendall Conrad.
Karla Martinez de Salas, the adventursome, uber-stylish (natch) Editor-in-Chief Vogue Mexico and Latin America.
Kerri Rosenthal, kinetic interior designer/artist/boutique owner in Westport Ct.
Christiane Lemieux, Founder of DwellStudio, Co-Owner Cloth & Co and Owner Lemieux et Cie.
Kerry Diamond, C0-Founder female-focused Cherry Bombe magazine. (And maker of best women’s resistance T-shirt to date!)
Jennifer Grove, Founder of Repeat Roses, a eco-conscious new must in event planning.
Marina Adams, an insightful artist who sees the world through color.
Cindy Prima and Kerrilynn Pamer, Co-Founders in pioneering organic skincare one-stop-shop, CAP Beauty.
Emily Satloff, Founder/Designer of elegant Larkspur & Hawk jewelry.
Blair Clarke, art dealer/collaborator/co-conspirartor Voltz Clarke Gallery.
Cayli Cavaco Reck, Founder Knockout Beauty/creator life-changing personal beauty/wellness prescriptions.
Happy Menocal, fashion’s go-to artist/collaborator who marries whimsy with tradition.
Gervaise Gerstner, New York City’s cutting-edge (and our favorite) dermatologist.
Brooke Garber Neidich, Owner/Designer Sidney Garber jewelry/dynamic, influential New Yorker.
Michelle LeBlanc, Founder of Minneapolis’ sunniest boutiques and burgeoning etail site, Mille.
Cindy Weber Cleary, veteran fashion editor, former Fashion Director InStyle, Co-Founder Apprecier.com.
top photo, first row, left to right: Nikki Kule, Robin Renzi, Kendall Conrad, Karla Martinez de Salas, Brooke Garber Neidich; second row; Jodi Sweetbaum, Marina Adams (center), Cindy Prima and Kerrilynn Pamer, Cindy Weber Cleary; bottom row: Cathryn Collins, Suze Yalof Schwartz, Cayli Cavaco Reck, Happy Menocal, Blair Clarke.
bottom photo, first row, left to right: Jennifer Grove, Kerri Rosenthal, Michelle LcBlanc, Emily Satloff; second row; Liz Lange and Audrey Kirdar, Joanne Wilson, Stephanie Von Watzdorf, Ashley Wick; third row, Gervaise Gerstner, Christiane Lemieux, Kerry Diamond, Mary Wiles.
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